TWO ONLINE AUCTIONS (Copperas Cove​, Texas)


Wall to Wall Liquidation


Full gun shop liquidation including many firearms, ammo, professional laser engraving equipment, cerakote equipment, metal safes, parts, holsters, accessories, barrels, stocks, magazines plus much more!

Important: Due to the sale of the property, pick-up is strictly limited to the following times: Saturday (4/5/25) after the auction from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, or Tuesday (4/8/25) from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Please adhere to these times without exception.

Auction #1 (CLOSES 4/1/25 at 6:30PM) includes: Remaining stock of firearms, firearm parts and supplies, gunsmithing tools, gun safe.

  • Colt Bisley 38 Pistol with ivory grips in wood box, Pistols: Springfields, Glock, Rock Island plus more, Aero Precision EPC9, 2 Henry Golden Boys, Marlin 1895, Parker Bros. Top Lever Double 12GA., SKS Stnke Force Folders, Springfield Hellion 556, Springfield 1903 30-06, AK-15 & AK-10 Parts, plus so many more.

Auction #2 (CLOSES 4/2/25 at 6:30PM) includes: Razor 3 Industrial Co2 Laser, Grizzley- Mill/Drill Press, Lathe, & Drill Press, Hulk 80 Gal. Air Compressor, Eastwood Sand Blaster, CCS Powder Coating Booth, CCS Paint Booth, Cerakote Coating, Shelving Units, Homeland Safe Vault Door, Zebra Printers, 3D Printer, Android Advertising Tower, Rolling Tool Chest, Hydraulic Press, Shop Equipment & Tools, Plus Some much more.

Krista Henkelman, General Manager
(254) 315-8630
Tx 17486

Members Texas Auctioneer Association